Greeves St. Op Shop
The Greeves St. Op Shop opened in mid 2017 and is located at 12 Belford Street, St Kilda. The shop opens every day of the week but is closed on public holidays. Selling mostly pre-loved quality donations, there is also a selection of boutique products hand made on site by a team of volunteers and women we work to support through the sewing project (see below). The Greeves St. Op Shop is a beautifully curated space filled with quality clothing, accessories, books, home-wares and miscellaneous items. It has fast become a favourite shopping experience for locals and tourists alike.
The Greeves St. Op Shop offers women we support an opportunity to volunteer and work alongside members of their local community. They learn a range of skills including retail procedures, visual merchandising, rotation of stock, and sorting and pricing donations. The Greeves St. Op Shop is an employment pathway for women with lived experience of street work and addiction.

Greeves St. Op Shop welcomes good quality donations of clothing, maternity, vintage and unique homewares. Please no electrical goods or furniture except small pieces! Items can be dropped off at 12 Belford St, St Kilda on Mondays – Fridays between 11am and 5pm. Please ensure donations are clean as we do not have the capacity to wash and dry clothing.
All sale proceeds support the programs of St Kilda Gatehouse.

The Greeves St. Sewing Project is an opportunity for women involved in or exited from street sex work to gain skills while producing saleable boutique items.When a woman attends this ten week program she “graduates” with her own sewing machine and a certificate.
The program was developed in conjunction with women from the St Kilda Gatehouse community. This community development model of engagement seeks to achieve outcomes such as regular attendance, skill development, social engagement and improving confidence and self esteem.
Skilled volunteers work alongside women to create friendship and to support with crafting and small business processes.
The vision for participants is that women:
- Might stay connected to the group, even beyond graduation
- Can be bridged into other community experiences outside of St Kilda Gatehouse
- Might receive further vocational or educational training outside of participation in the sewing program then acts as a bridge to the wider community for women experiencing marginalising factors.
- Might always have a safe place of belonging, even after leaving street work and addiction
Greeves St. Voices
Greeves St. Voices is an education and advocacy program for schools, work places and community groups, which was developed in response to these groups wanting to learn more about the complex issues affecting women involved in street sex work and young women experiencing sexual exploitation.

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